- Don't pack a bunch of clothes, you'll never get to them all; whereas the opposite is true for sunscreen and bug spray-- you can't have enough.
- Along the same line, when flying, if you must check a bag be prepared to never see it again; have all of your most important items on you at all times while traveling.
- Make friends with the locals, they have the best information on where to eat, what to see, and what to do. Expats can also be a source of amusement.
- Never ease up on your paranoia of having something stolen, keep your things in a safe or hidden on your person at all times and keep your passport and passport copies separate. It also helps to have small change separate from the rest of your money when out and about.
- You are going to get lost. Is that really so bad, it's not like you know where you are anyways...
- Hiking poles are a must, as are hiking boots. Climbing straight up boulders for two hours is not as fun as one might think when only using your thigh muscles. Going down is event worse.
- Head lamps are awesome for reading in bed.
- Make sure to inflate your dive vest before jumping off the boat with 50 pounds of gear.
- Keep a clean cup of water next to the sink to brush your teeth with, a pain, but you won't regret it. Also, a steripen can save you a lot of money on bottled water.
- Driving in a foreign country is exhausting and exhilarating all at the same time-- buy the insurance.
- A parka and hat are essential while hiking, that way when it starts raining you can smile smugly at the hikers without them as you walk by nice and dry. Of course, make sure that your camera is also protected from the rain, or you will feel differently, I know.
- Don't try to force an experience that is not playing out like you expected, let go and move on to bigger and better things.
- ENJOY each other and take advantage of the things you never get to do in 'real' life like sleeping in, reading the day away, or watching the sun set.
Safe Travels,
Allyson and Pearce
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