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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Test your engines

Hey everyone, Pearce here.  Up to this point I have had little to do with the blog and it has been the genius and determination of my wife.  As I get the last items packed and the last minute plans arranged I have to realize that this is happening.  I have been so busy for so long I have not had the time to process all that this trip will mean.  We are leaving for the far East for three months.  My wife is not only the experienced traveller but also the experienced international resident because of her two-year stint in Mongolia.  She lived in the “jenkin” way, getting water from the river and burning a coal fire in her tent most nights.  She is as hardcore as intimidated as I can be.  So you should get two different takes on how things are proceeding.

I wanted to use this post as a test of some of the new toys we got for the trip (HD camcorder, digital camera, and netbook).  And I am frantically going through my checklist so this is going to be short.Graduation 01
The above picture is from my graduation ceremony to commemorate my successful completion of neurology residency at Emory.  I am giving a toast to all my classmates who graduated with me and who suffered with me.  It was an emotional and surprising night.  I snuck in a bottle of 12-year-old Macallan Scotch Whiskey and shared it with my dad.
How Allyson feels about impromptu filming.
Our first video post… successful?
Back to packing!


  1. The video and picture are both a success! Nice first post, P!

  2. He put it on the blog! And it worked well - can't wait to see more!

  3. When cell phone cameras first came out I got a full body snap of my husband coming out of the shower. He was horrified but not enough to learn how to delete it. Of course back then it was so blurry you could hardly see anything but a tall pale blur, but a friend of ours waved to him from her car with the cheery greeting, "Hi Earl! Nice package!" Pearce was kinder than I am, at least. Keep being nicer, it's gonna get harder on the road!

  4. HAHAHA. I thought "sleep" and "snacks" = the keys to less cranky travel! I'll have to add not posting naked pictures of each other! For shame!
